Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jan 10 - a common cold & a rest day?

evil rhinovirus: the common cold
Jan 10 - I woke up this morning with a full-blown cold in my head & throat.  Sore muscles in my back, too, but is that part of it?  So this is the first health test of my "every single day" routine.  (Previously I've had the power outage challenge & numerous not-enough-time challenges, not to mention the not-enough-energy days.)

Should I blast my symptoms with home remedies and power through the miles, then collapse for a nap?  Or coddle myself with the remedies & go straight for the nap?  I'm afraid that if I give myself a day off, I'll start making excuses to take more days off, and I won't recover my strength, and ... well, you can see where this going ... I'll fall back into sedentary lethargy.

beautiful rhinovirus, like dandelion fluff
OK, maybe not.  Maybe one day of recuperative lethargy won't turn into an icy slippery slope (like a Canadian Rocky Mountain road in January).

I'll start with some comforting mulled cider (for vitamin C & steam) & see how I feel later in the day.

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